Category: Life Hacks

4 pillars of freelance life: Exercise, nutrition, hydration & sleep

All the productivity hacks in the world won’t help us be effective freelancers if we’re not looking after ourselves. Here are four pillars to form a strong basis for freelance success.

Book summary: Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

Essentialism encourages us to prioritise  tasks and activities that align with our values, goals, and purpose, and eliminate distractions.

Boilerplate emails for freelancers – save time and energy

As a freelancer you’re going to be emailing people A LOT. Having a bank of stock responses can save you time and energy!

Setting and maintaining boundaries as a freelancer

If we’re full time freelance and work from home, it can easily take over our lives if we’re not careful. This can eat into our free time and headspace, damage relationships and eventually lead to burnout. Read on for some tips on how to set and maintain healthy boundaries as a freelancer. Full article on […]

‘Accountability buddy’ trial for productivity

My brother and I have recently tried an ‘accountability buddy’ system to help us both be more productive. We have been having a weekly 30 minute call to see how we are progressing with tasks that we set ourselves for the following week and also self care like getting enough sleep, eating and exercising. Results […]

Why I Am Deleting My Social Network Profiles

I am gradually closing down my social network profiles. There are many reasons why I have decided to do so: I get way too much email and it’s got to become more manageable. I want considered, meaningful communication with people in my life rather than rushed, ill considered mass broadcasts in each direction. I waste […]